Diversity and Inclusion

Advancing Women in Leadership

2 Hr Live Online Session

According to the Center for American Progress – The Women’s Leadership Gap (2018), women make up 50.8 percent of the U.S. population and earn almost 57 percent of the undergraduate degrees and 59 percent of all master’s degrees. They account for 47 percent of the U.S. labor force and 52.5 percent of the college-educated workforce. And yet, women make up just 26.5 percent of executive and senior officials and managers, 11 percent of top earners, and 4.8 percent of CEOs in S&P 500 companies.

So why do men continue to hold many of the leadership positions in government and industry? What do women need to do to make sure their voices are heard equally in their place of business?

In this workshop, we will look at behaviors and techniques for women leaders that will help them assess and build their skills to allow them to achieve their full potential.

Completion of this module will empower participants to:

  • Heighten your awareness of the current reality professional women face
  • Define gaps to achievement and identify behaviors to close the gaps
  • Define opportunities to add value, influence, and drive impact
  • Increase connections, relationships and networks
Primary Competencies

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