Leading Virtual Teams

Several factors have led to the emergence of a new form of teamwork. As Virtual Private Networks, Wi-Fi, and low-cost communication methods such as instant-messaging and video-chat become more reliable and commonplace, home-working and tele-working become an option for many teams. This option has provided organizations with numerous economic alternatives to the traditional face-to-face team structure.

Overall, virtual teams are very similar to traditional teams. However, communication and team building occur more naturally in face-to-face teams. Because of this, leaders of virtual teams should take deliberate actions to build in activities and practices that are vital to team success. 

This two-part, six-hour program will help equip leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead virtual teams to new levels of effectiveness.

Completion of this module will empower participants to:

  • Create a virtual team environment based on relationships and camaraderie
  • Establish clear team expectations based on mutual trust and respect
  • Communicate effectively and use technology that fits the situation
  • Identify ways to foster an environment of virtual teamwork, group effort, and cooperation

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