
Adjust to Change

You can’t always control change, but you can control your attitude towards it. Adapting your attitude is the first step toward being prepared for the challenges of a changing environment. When you learn to be flexible in uncertain times, you can remain productive and positive — and help others do the same.

In this module, you learn to embrace change by focusing on what you will gain, not what you will lose. In doing so, you garner the attention of others as a change agent, armed to lead the change in your organization.

Change happens, and when it does, your reaction to it can mean the difference between thriving and or just surviving. Some people embrace change and welcome the opportunities it brings, but many others resist. When approximately 70 percent of change initiatives fail, it’s important to keep focused building the new rather than fighting for the old.

Completion of this module will empower participants to:

  • Define the challenge of change.
  • Commit to principles for adapting to change.
  • Adapt personal work patterns and attitudes in response to change.
  • Be a role model of change for others.

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Adjust to Change | Dale Carnegie South Africa
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You can’t always control change, but you can control your attitude towards it. Adapting your attitude is the first step toward being prepared for the challenges of a changing environment. When you learn to be flexible in uncertain times, you can remain productive and positive — and help others do the same.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Dale Carnegie Training ZA

Course Provider URL: https://dalecarnegietraining.co.za

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