Live Online Training

Experience the Power of Dale Carnegie in a Virtual Classroom

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Certified Trainers and Producers

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Flexible Scheduling

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Live Interactive Coaching

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Cost Effective


E-Learning Portal

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Nearly 100 Modules plus Customised Solutions

Featured Online Courses

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Leading Virtual Teams

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How to Present Online

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Engaging Virtual Meetings

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Lead Change Effectively

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Managing Workplace Stress

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Train the Trainer

We are breaking the mould of lecture-based webinars by offering a variety of online training options for your employees and teams

72% of companies believe that e-learning helps them maximise their competitive edge


We live in times of rapid change and dispersed workforces. In order to be agile and respond to planned and unexpected changes quickly organisations need to be able to access flexible, digital learning paths that can be rolled out quickly but that deliver quality, consistent training.

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Live Online Webinars

1- hour, virtual instructor led sessions utilising chat, polling and whiteboard toolsFast paced, interactiveParticipants engage through interactive tools addressing outcomes and ‘How-to’s’

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Live Online Workshops

1 – 3 hour virtual instructor led sessions utilising chat and voice interaction, white board tools, polling and break out roomsSkills development with emphasis on relevant business examples and collaborationIndividualised coaching from the trainer and ongoing feedback from participantsBreak out rooms: Participants are given the chance to put skills and new processes to practice in small groups

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Live Online Seminars

Includes all workshop featuresTwo to six sessions usually held on the same day over consecutive weeksDeep-dive skills development bootcamps with empahasis on business examples and collaboration

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Customised Solutions

Just like our in-person training, we can offer bespoke online training solutions to meet your individual needs and budget

Contact us and explore how we can meet your unique challenges and allow you to take command of your organization or team.

Contact us for team training