Lead Change Effectively

Organizations today operate in an environment of rapid, continuous change. Significant internal changes include reorganizations, retirements, and hiring; external changes include shifts in the marketplace, evolving expectations of clients, and innovation. Leading a changing organization is a demanding, time-consuming responsibility.

In this two-hour Live Online workshop, we will examine the challenges of change leadership and the mistakes that often result. We will incorporate principles for leading organizational change, leading individuals during times of change, and managing our own reactions to change. Out of this discussion, you will create a draft of a change leadership plan. By creating and following through on this plan, you can take a more organized approach to leading organizational change.

  • Avoid the most common change leadership mistakes.
  • Recognize the elements of and apply a model for change engagement.
  • Define the type of changes currently occurring in the organization.
  • Identify ways to lead others and manage ourselves during organizational change

2 hour online workshop

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If you would like to discover more about this course, drop us a line below, and one of our consultants will be in touch. 

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