
Conflict Resolution

5 x 3 Hr Live Online Sessions

Strong emotions are both a cause of and a result of conflict. People in conflict have a variety of strong and often negative emotions, such as anger and distrust. These emotions often conceal the issues in dispute. The emotions are real though and must be addressed for the conflict to be resolved comfortably for everyone involved. In this module, we address the emotional aspect of resolving conflict. We discuss why anger is an emotion that we must process and manage for the conflict to be resolved professionally. We also examine the methods for openly discussing and resolving the emotional aspects of conflict situations.

Conflict situations are frequently complicated and difficult to resolve. By ourselves, we may have limited capacity for dealing with the many issues that might be involved. By collaborating with others within and outside our organization, we can access the experience, expertise, creativity, and values of other professionals to bring the situation to a successful conclusion. Collaborative solutions to conflict situations enable everyone involved to feel that everything was done to resolve the situation professionally. It takes the pressure off of us to have all the answers in these situations and brings many expert viewpoints to bear on a successful outcome.

At the completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the steps of the conflict cycle
  • Express emotions in a healthy way
  • Commit to principles for maintaining emotional control
  • Talk through a conflict issue with the other person
  • Identify opportunities for collaborative solutions
  • Enlist the skills and abilities of others to provide support and direction
  • Collaborate with others to reduce conflict and create synergy
  • Build a collaborative environment through shared values
Primary Competencies

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