Developing Your Teams Journey to High Performance

1 x 1 Day Face 2 Face

After a successful Team Discovery Day you will:

1. Clearly understand how High Performing Teams operate;
2. Define how the team is operating relative to High Performing Teams;
3. Clarify their individual and team behavior and how this relates to a High Performing Team; 4. Commit to what “I” and “We” need to do (specific actions) to reach High Performance.

The Five Lens developmental assessment goes beyond the ‘what’ of behavior.
It exposes the underlying drivers, the ‘why’ and offers a pathway for coaching and development.

Correlation and Validity

Our Five Lens development platform is underpinned by a well-researched, theoretical and philosophical platform.
In addition the Nine Ways of the Enneagram correlate with amongst others the 16pf, MBTI, OPQ and the Belbin team roles.

Primary Competencies

Find out more

Complete the form below if you would like one of our team members to contact you, to discuss more about the course, and how you could benefit from this course. 

Contact us and explore how we can meet your unique challenges and allow you to take command of your organization or team.

Contact us for team training